
Short Courses

Nous proposons plus de 20 cours de courte durée sur des sujets spécialisés liés à la santé dans les domaines des sciences biomédicales et cliniques et de la santé publique. Ils peuvent être suivis individuellement (contrat de crédit) ou être intégrés dans un programme d'études (contrat de diplôme).

Short Course in Clinical Research and Evidence-Based Medicine

Défis en Santé Internationale

Introduction à la Médecine Tropicale

Challenges in International Health

Tropical Medicine and Clinical Decision Making

Research Approaches in International Health

Introduction to Tropical Medicine

Multivariable Analysis

Non-communicable Diseases

Pharmaceutical policies in health systems

Clinical Decision-Making for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

Outbreak Investigations and Research

Sexual & Reproductive Health and HIV: beyond Silos

Achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030: The Health Financing and Social Protection Challenges

Health Policy and Systems Research Methodology

Field Laboratory Preparedness

Qualitative and Mixed Methods in International Health Research

Health Systems Performance Analysis

Health Systems Strengthening

Molecular Data for Infectious Diseases

Global Health in times of crises

Health Policy & Governance

Design & Evaluation of Health Programmes

Hospital-based Interventions to Contain Antibiotic Resistance in Low-resource Settings