Event overview

ITM Alumni webinar #1 Prize for Global Research 2023 - Hashim Hounkpatin

MPH-alumnus and laureate Hashim Hounkpatin (Benin) shares insights from his master thesis, entitled "How are health systems in Sub-Saharan Africa adapting to protect human health from climate change threats?".


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This new series of ITM alumni webinars features the four ITM winners of the Prize for Global Research 2023. In webinar #1, MPH-alumnus and laureate Hashim Hounkpatin (Benin) will share insights from his master thesis, entitled "How are health systems in Sub-Saharan Africa adapting to protect human health from climate change threats?".

In his thesis, Hashim Hounkpatin aimed to contribute to understanding how health systems in SSA are adapting to protect human health from climate change threats. As the body of literature on climate change and health is dominated by impact studies confined to high-income countries, he first conducted a scoping review on the adaptation measures SSA countries are considering in health. Secondly, he carried out a case study on the policy making process for climate adaptation in Benin, focusing on the development of the National Adaptation Plan. Hashim will present the main findings and outcomes of his thesis, and discuss his recommendations and conclusion.

The Q&A-session, moderated by MPH director Bruno Marchal, will enable to answer questions from the audience and to share experiences from other contexts.

This webinar has passed. You can find the recording down below.

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Hashim-Hounkpatin_1_web Hashim Hounkpatin

Hashim Hounkpatin

MPH-alumnus 2023, research fellow


Hashim Hounkpatin graduated as a medical doctor from the Université d'Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou (Benin) in October 2016. He works as a research fellow at the “Centre de Recherche en Reproduction Humaine et en Demographie” (CERRHUD). His research portfolio included climate change and health, universal health coverage and social protection, maternal health, and health systems strengthening.


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