Event overview

ITM Alumni webinar - Malaria control in Rwanda (Arlette Umugwaneza)

In light of this year’s World Malaria Day, ITM alumna and PhD student Arlette Umugwaneza will discuss the malaria situation in Rwanda from 2018 onwards in her webinar 'Malaria control in Rwanda: Progress, findings and strategies towards elimination'.


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25th of April - World Malaria Day - is an occasion to share alumni insights and research findings on malaria-related research, highlighting the need for continued investment and sustained political commitment to malaria prevention, treatment and controI.

In light of this year’s World Malaria Day, ITM alumna and PhD student Arlette Umugwaneza will talk about the malaria situation in Rwanda from 2018 onwards. Following the upsurge of malaria cases till 2018, Rwanda improved existing control strategies and implemented new ones that have been successful in reducing the number of malaria cases nationally, although new challenges such as antimalarial resistance have emerged.

In this webinar, Arlette will share the history of malaria control and elimination efforts in Rwanda during the last years, changes in malaria epidemiology, and challenges that are currently being faced.

The session will be moderated by Anna Rosanas-Urgell, Arlette’s PhD co-supervisor and Head of the Unit of Malariology of ITM's Department of Biomedical Sciences.

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This webinar is held online. Participation is free, but registration is mandatory.

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Arlette-umugwaneza-in-page Arlette Umugwaneza

Arlette Umugwaneza

PhD student, Rwanda Biomedical Center, Rwanda; ITM Antwerp, Belgium

Arlette Umugwaneza is a PhD student working on malaria molecular surveillance at the Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) in Rwanda. She has a background in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences and a Master's degree in Tropical Medicine held at the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM). Her passion about research fuels her drive to unravel the complex genetic mechanisms of the parasite underlying malaria transmission and drug resistance, striving to make meaningful contributions to the global fight against malaria.


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