Saleh Aljadeeah is a Pharmacist (Damascus University, Syria 2011), PhD in Drug Utilization Research: "Access to and use of medicines among Syrian asylum seekers and refugees in Germany and the population with government health insurance in Syria" (University of Bayreuth, Germany, 2022; Konrad Adenauer Foundation PhD Scholarship).


Between 2011 and 2013, he joined a specialist pharmacist training program for quality control in the pharmaceutical industry at the Syrian Ministry of Health and worked in community pharmacies in Northern Syria.

Between 2014 and 2016, he worked for the German Red Cross to provide access to healthcare services to newly arrived asylum seekers in the Cologne area.

In 2016 he joined the Institute for Healthcare Management and Health Sciences of the University of Bayreuth as a research fellow. There he Played a key role in the project "Effects of the influx of asylum seekers on the health Supply in Bavaria", funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Health and Care.

In 2022, he joined the ITM as a postdoctoral researcher and launched a research project on access to NCDs medicines at primary care level in conflict-affected areas in Northern Syria, funded by the King Baudouin Foundation (Fund Maurange).

His main field of interest is access to essential medicines in humanitarian settings, including in conflict zones and among forcibly displaced populations, and health systems research with a focus on pharmaceutical policies.