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PhD defence Bieke Tack

Non-typhoidal Salmonella infections unmask the challenges in pediatric febrile illness care in DR Congo

Aula 2e hoofdwet, Thermotechnisch Instituut, Kasteelpark Arenberg 41, 3001 Leuven, Belgium

Toon route


  • Prof. dr. Jan Jacobs (ITM/KU Leuven)

  • Prof. dr. Jaan Toelen (KU Leuven)


This PhD project reports on the high burden of bloodstream infections in children under-five in DR Congo. The research identified diagnostic and therapeutic challenges, such as malaria co-infections and antimicrobial resistance.  Next, potential solutions, e.g. clinical decision support, pediatric antibiotic formulations, were formulated. Interestingly, many of these challenges and solutions can be generalized to other causes of severe febrile illness in children under-five in sub-Saharan Africa.



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