Liselotte Hardy is a biomedical scientist with experience in multiple sectors. After a few years working in clinical studies for the pharmaceutical industry, she found her passion for research at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium. Her first job at the ITM was at the department of public health coordinating projects on vaginal health. She then moved to the ITM laboratory for sexually transmitted infections led by Tania Crucitti, and did PhD research on characterising the bacterial biofilm in bacterial vaginosis. After her PhD, Liselotte worked at the Photonics Research Group of Ghent University for a few years. She co-developed a lab-on-chip platform to diagnose infectious diseases, leading to the spin-off company Antelope Dx. Just before Antelope Dx’s incorporation, Liselotte moved back to ITM to work as a postdoctoral researcher in the Unit of Tropical Bacteriology of Jan Jacobs. She has set up her own research line on “development and implementation of adapted diagnostics for low-resource settings”. She also contributes to the unit’s management, supervising the laboratory work, students and administrative staff.